
Inspired by Sunil Linus De

Inspired by artist Paul George


The Beautiful

Sometimes I can’t handle the beautiful.

They walk too closely to the edge

As if they want to fly away 

And leave.


Elegance of thought and word

Escapes me most moments,

Though I know it lives and thrives

Out there on its own.

It is not the way of things to capture

Elegance any more than one

Holds beauty. At least one doesn’t

Hold it for long.

If I Could

If I could reach into the sky above and wrap my hands around a scoopful of air, I would pull it down, squeeze it tightly into a perfectly smooth ball, and give it to you.

Inspired by Anna Bucciarelli

Words Come

The words that come here, that land here, that rest from their flittering about, have something they want to say. I am a fool if I believe I command them. Even if I refuse them a spot on my page, they will find another. They have a story to tell, and tell it they shall.


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